Jul 21, 2010

Herbal Asthma cure

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease of the airways, which can be fatal at times. It is a result of certain allergies that block the nasal passage with mucus or it can be characterized by a sudden attack of breathlessness, coughing, shortness of breath, inability to speak and chest constriction. Asthma starts with some triggers especially due to some environmental factors, which lead to respiratory problems called asthmatic attacks. Allergic factors responsible for inflammation of respiratory tract can be deodorants, dust, pollen, smoke, perfumes, cats and dogs. Some types of food or plants, pollution and smoking also contribute to this condition. The specific cause of asthma is unknown; it can develop in any age group.

To cure asthma, it is very important to know the symptoms and the cause of the condition. It is advisable to treat this condition at an earlier stage.

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to cure asthma with the help of various herbs containing medicinal properties. These have been time tested and clinically proved to be beneficial to prevent and cure ailments.

It is recommended to avoid bananas, guavas, papayas, sour foods like curd (yoghurt) and buttermilk, also avoid fried food. Changes to hectic lifestyle, no smoking, maintaining a healthy balanced diet on the recommendation of a physician is also preferable.

Source : http://www.ayurherbalproducts.com


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