Jul 21, 2010

History of Ayurvedic Herbal Products

Ayurveda is known as the oldest healing science. Ayurvedic concepts are based on three functional energy parameters, which are present in everybody�s constitution such as Vatta, Pitta and Kapha. Based on the analysis on these parameters, herbs are prescribed for prevention and treatment of medical conditions. It combines various types of natural herbs given to us by Mother Nature. It is a science of life, which originated 5000 years ago in India. A large number of herbs were used in ancient times as documented in texts of Vedic culture.

In the ayurvedic texts, emphasis is given to prevention rather than cure and maintaining health by adopting a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet, positive thinking, massage therapies and depending on natural herbs. The ancient texts educate us to understand our body constitution and tell us how to maintain a balance of body, mind and consciousness.

There are various factors at different times in our lives, which disturb the balance of body and mind .These include emotional and physical stresses, food habits, changing weather, physical trauma, work and family environment. The herbs prescribed strengthen the body's natural defence systems and help our body to defend against any infections or diseases.

Ayurvedic herbal products can be used along side western allopathic medicines to make your immune system strong, as these herbal products generate energy in the body to fight different allergies.
More and more people have started to switch over to natural remedies because of the side effects of western conventional medicines. As a result of the growing popularity of natural treatments, several countries have started scientific research on herbs for their safety and effect on the human body.

Source : http://www.ayurherbalproducts.com/history_herbal_products.html


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