Jan 27, 2011

The Symptoms Of Breast Cancer To Prevent Cancer

Breast cancer is a serious disease that affects women. It is a disease that women fear around. In medical terms, this disease can be defined as a formation of malignant cells or malignant breast disease in tissues.The has been described as heterogeneous. This means there is another disease that appears, and forms on different women in different age groups. Young women are more vulnerable to this disease.

This disease can be cured if detected early. That is why young women are encouraged to conduct an independent investigation of the whole interior of the lung their breasts every three to six months. They must also go to a medical examination every six months.When failed to demonstrate that this disease may result in some real danger stages. In some severe and final stages of breast cancer, women are advised to go for surgery for breast removal or mastectomy. It's really terrible time in a woman life.Fortunately, this disease can be treated effectively if detected early. It is therefore very important to know the symptoms of breast cancer, and keep track of one of the warning signs that may affect our bodies at any time.

Here are some possible symptoms of breast cancer to help you learn about this disease and detect in time a better and more efficient.

- The warning sings

Usually, breast cancer is not any pain. However, women are still advised to visit their doctor health care regularly to understand the evolution of the disease in his body.

Common symptoms

a) Changes in breasts and nipples feel

You may suddenly experience the tenderness of the nipple or even a lump or thickening near the breast area or under the armpits, without special justification.

b) Change the appearance of the breast or nipple

This means that there is a change in shape or size of the breast or nipple. The nipple may appear scaly, reading, swollen, turn slightly inward, or have songs or similar marks on the skin of an orange.

c) discharge from the nipple

Sometimes you may also experience nipple discharge. The discharge may be clear or bloody.

d) pain

Sometimes you can feel the pain of the nipple.

e) Swelling

Women with breast cancer can even observe a swelling or lump in the armpit.

f) Lump

A lump near the armpit or breast is a clear indication of breast cancer.

g) Rash

You will find that there is a rash on the nipple or surrounding areas.

All signs and symptoms above is an indication that you may be affected by cancer.However breast cancer, there are several other ways to detect breast cancer, such as surveys of self-evaluation. You can perform an independent review of your home. Just inspect your breasts any lumps or swelling, changes in the contour of each breast, skin dimpling or changes nipples.Remember that early detection of this disease is the only way to heal. You should focus on signs and symptoms of this disease to find out. Watch for symptoms and be more safe.For articles, news, advice and resources on breast cancer visit REVIEW OF BREAST CANCER


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